1. Slides Google is best known for their installation of slides in some offices, including its Tel Aviv headquarters, but they’re not the only ones. LEGO […]
Office design can be a hassle, no matter what you’re doing or how long you spend time planning, re-planning, hiring contractors, etc. It can become a […]
The proliferation of digital devices mean that we’re constantly connected to the office, wherever we might be. It can become difficult to switch off from work. […]
COMBINING OFFICE DESIGN AND FURNITURE TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM SYNERGY IN THE OFFICE Office furniture is no longer just a dull desk and color-matching chair. We’re finally […]
An increasing number of C-level executives regard office design as a vital cost-saving and productivity boosting issue, according to Jitesh Patel, CEO of Peldon Rose A business […]
A great deal of current research and anecdotal evidence suggests that engaged employees are much less likely to leave their current organisation, are more productive and […]